community organizations
Q Chat Space provides live, chat-based discussion groups for LGBTQ+ and questioning teens ages 13 to 19. It is not a forum, and there is no video or audio. Everyone is chatting during the same pre-scheduled time. Our chats are facilitated by experienced staff and volunteers from youth programs at LGBTQ+ centers across the United States.
Guides built for and with LGBTQ+ teens to help you explore your identity and support your mental health. With topics including stress, queerness, stigma, and gender. imi also links to other LGBTQ+ curated resources for queer teens.
Provides education, advocacy, services, and support for Boulder County’s LGBTQ communities, with transgender programs, a youth film project, trans adult and youth support groups, community cafes, art projects, yoga classes, and community activism.
Promotes the health and well-being of LGBT persons, their families and friends through support, education, and advocacy. Provides opportunity for dialogue about sexual orientation and gender identity, and acts to create a society that is healthy and respectful of human diversity.
Engages, empowers, enriches, and advances the community through statewide advocacy and nationally recognized cultural and educational programming. Provides transgender programs, SAGE of the Rockies (offers activities and events that focus on health, housing, legal and financial planning, legacy, and social connection, specifically for LGBT persons age 50+), legal program, Rainbow Alley, PrideFest, LGBT Family Program, RANGE Consulting (for HR training and consulting), and Colorado LGBT History Project.
Prideful Wellness is a self care center providing services in a microcosm of safety, inclusion, and personal empowerment allowing each individual to go forth with a sense of support, community, and PRIDE.
Boulder County Area Agency on Aging maintains a confidential email and surface mail list of self-identified LGBT elders (age 60+) and professional allies. Sends monthly notices of activities of interest, including community events. Annually hosts “The Lavender Gala.”
Provides positive support and fun for LGBTQIA+ youth 13-18 (12 with parent/guardian permission), with peer youth groups, leadership opportunities, advocacy, support and referrals, and trainings on LGBTQIA+ health and inclusion for school staff, students, health care providers, and other youth-serving professionals.
We are nature-connection mentors and wilderness guides offering courses, workshops and trips for the LGBTQIA* community and allies!
This program envisions and implements ecological literacy as a vital and often overlooked part of the healing and wholing of populations who have been systemically silenced and marginalized, such as the LGBTQ population, and especially trans and queer people of color. Ecological literacy is deep relationship building with living and non-living earth systems through naturalist knowledge, so-called ‘survival’ skills, natural crafts, and local cultural/natural history.
TYES empowers and supports families and caregivers of gender expansive youth by providing resources, education, outreach, and advocacy, in order to create supportive environments that allow youth to experience the joy of authenticity.
The Queer Quest A rite of passage program for those in the LGBTQIA community that is safe, supportive and healing. When we come together to sit in sacred space, let us do so with openness and welcoming. Let us do so with compassion and love for all of who you are. The time has come for each of us to take our rightful place as whole people in this world. We are indeed whole; we have been whole children, whole adolescents, whole adults and are whole elders, with much to learn and much to teach the world. Also offered: Queer Youth Quest for ages 16-19.
This group is for any and all bisexuals (as well as pansexuals–we just decided to go with a more familiar label for the group) in the Boulder, Longmont, and Denver area who want to meet other polyamorous or non-polyamorous bisexuals to socialize and have community with. All genders are welcome. Hosts two events a month (give or take). A night out in Denver at Ace Eat Serve, and an in-home potluck brunch in Longmont, open to anyone in the LGBTQ community, called Queers & Quiche. Meet-ups at coffee shops, craft nights in Denver, and First Fridays at Tracks.
For people of all different backgrounds and socioeconomic statuses. We believe that people sharing their stories is immensely healing and deepens our understanding of the important role sexuality plays in all of our lives. Rarely are we given the chance to express our deepest secrets and desires in a safe and caring container. This is exactly what our event offers Boulder. Education and challenging harmful stigmas is a big part of the inclusive container we wish to create.
The Boulder Queer Dharma Group meets on the third Sunday of the month from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. Boulder Queer Dharma is a forum created to study and practice meditation and Dharma as well as to contemplate and discuss topics relating to LGBTQ interests/concerns and to socialize in a welcoming, supportive space. All are welcome, regardless of meditation experience, spiritual or religious tradition, age, gender, or sexual identity.
Queer Sex Ed is an imperative statement. When we call to “Queer” Sex Ed, it is a call-to-arms for sexual health educators, schools, parents, and people in all types of relationships to intentionally “queer” the institutions of sexual communication, sexual health, interpersonal relationships, and relationship structure.
We believe that we must turn sex ed on its head. Even when sex ed is at its best, it is often (intentionally or unintentionally) exclusionary of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, gender queer, gender fluid and, agender people, polyamorous people, asexual people, people with disabilities, and so many more social groups who engage in just as many relationships as straight, cisgender, and monogamous people, but who are forced to do so through uncharted waters, lack of media representation, and massive social stigma.
Heart Mind Connect’s mission is to fill the critical need for safe, affirmative supportive housing for our LGBTQIA community and our Allies.
Envision:You seeks to close gaps in behavioral health outcomes for LGBTQ+ individuals through co-created community programming, advocacy engagement, public awareness campaigns, and evidence-based training.